Thursday, November 19, 2009

Running An Efficient Pool - Saving You Money

In today's economy, tips on how to save a few dollars here and there are always valued. Even though it's winter in Cleveland and most pools/spas are closed, we can always plan for the future.

Times are tough and everyone is feeling the effects one way or another. We have to be optimistic and hope for the economy to turn around, slowly. If you already have a pool/spa, it can be considered your "staycation." Sprucing up the backyard, having pool parties and enjoying the backyard you've worked hard for can turn into a rewarding vacation. You're saving money by not traveling, so why not save more money by making your pool/spa more energy efficient?

Maria Slaby from HubPages has some very good tips on saving you money whether your pool/spa is still up and running or when you open in the Spring. First, your pump: make sure it's on a timer, reduce your run time in the winter to save on your power bill and look into a variable speed pump. This pump runs at a lower speed to circulate, sanitize and filter your water. The pump can be ‘kicked up' to a higher speed to run your water features. Spend a little bit now to save for years to come.

Second, Slaby talks about pool heating. Gas can be used to heat a spa quickly but it is not recommended for a pool - it would be too expensive in many parts of the country. Electric heat pumps are very efficient for heating your pool. Of course, there needs to be heat in the air for the heat pump to 'steal' to heat the pool. If you are in a cold climate, the heat pump might not make sense. Solar heating is the virtually free cost of warming up your pool.

Finally, for a gunite pool, a chlorine generator is a must. They take salt and through electrolysis, make sodium and chloride which is what sanitizes the water. Because of the great demand for chlorine in a gunite pool, this investment will pay off in several years. As a side note to this, the price of chemicals is on the rise!

Make sure the pool and spa stay clean. Cleaning out the skimmers and baskets from debris can avoid putting pressure on the pump and filter to work harder. Saving a little money now can make it more affordable to have a service technician from High-Tech Pools, Inc. service your pool/spa, leaving more time for family, parties and fun! High-Tech Pools, Inc. offers full service, everything from routine cleanings to making your backyard look spectacular for your next outdoor event! Call us today!

Slaby, M. Make your Pool Go GREEN - In a good way! Retrieved November 19, 2009, from HubPages

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Did you know spas can help fight sickness?

The swine flu has become everyday vocabulary for people everywhere. With all the hype about flu season and the swine flu, people are taking every precaution possible; washing hands, getting vaccinations, not going to work/school if feeling sick, etc. But did you know relaxing in a spa could help as well?

Spa therapy is also known as hydrotherapy and works by stimulation. According to Holistic Online, spa therapy relieves the body's natural pressure from gravity, then stimulates the nerves and circulatory system. By adding jets and bubblers to the hot water, the nerve impulses work to enhance the body's immune system, increase circulation and digestion and even lessen sensitivities.

Holistic Online also says for an effective hydrotherapy it's important to:
1. Use water temperature between 102 to 106 degree F for loosening tight, tense muscles and reducing the pain of stress-related conditions such as backache.

2. Take a cold shower after you step out of the bath because this brings an immediate rush of blood through your system, as well as a rush of energy.

3. Stay in the bath no more than 15 to 20 minutes. If you have high blood pressure or cardiovascular problems, don't stay long enough to raise your body temperature.

4. Evening is the best time to soak in water. A study conducted in England found that people who took a soaking bath before going to bed slept more readily and deeply.

Imagine a cold, winter day spent relaxing in your own hot tub. High-Tech Pools, Inc. can design and construct the perfect indoor or outdoor hot tub. The picture above is just one design we have done. Please visit our website at and take a look at our photo gallery of award winning spas!

Source: Holistic Online (1998-2009). Hydrotherapy. Retrieved November 12, 2009 from

Monday, November 2, 2009

Swimming Laps

A deer in Gastonia, North Carolina swims laps after falling into an indoor pool. The deer apparently fell through the ceiling and and decided to make a splash in the indoor swimming pool. According to The Huffington Post, the deer swam around, and at one point, appeared to actually be swimming laps, within the lap lanes. The whole scene was caught on security camera. The video can be viewed by visiting:

This is a great reminder of how important it is to have a pool cover. Even though this incident occurred in an indoor pool, this could easily happen with an outdoor pool. Covers can help this from happening to animals and humans! Covers also help with debris. Winter covers a especially important on pools for the long winter. When leaves fall in the pool, they tend to stain the plaster. This makes for a more extensive clean-up in the Spring. If you are in need of a winter cover for your pool/spa or maybe need a new winter cover, we can help! Just give us a call 440-979-5070 or visit our website,!

Source: The Huffington Post (October 31, 2009). Deer Swims Laps In North Carolina Pool. Retrieved November 2, 2009 from

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall and Bobbing for Pumpkins in a Pool!

The Arne Hanna Aquatic Center in Bellingham, Washington takes on an interesting approach to getting the community interested in the aquatic Center; swimming with 200 pumpkins!

In light of Halloween coming up in a few days, the aquatic center holds their annual "The Pumpkin Patch in the Pool" and has done so for the past 10 years. According to The Western Front, participants paid $5 to take a swim through the 200 pumpkins bobbing on the surface and eventually chose one to take home.

The aquatic center also offered a bob for apples after the swim. "All funds raised by the Pumpkin Patch in the Pool event go toward programs being run at the aquatic center."

Does your community aquatic center offer anything like this? If not, would it be something you and your family would be interested in doing? We would like to hear from you!

Source: Prosser, K. (October 27, 2009). Kids Pick Pumpkins from Public Pool. In "The Western Front." Retrieved October 27, 2009 from

CPSC In Full Charge

If your pool is not Virginia Graeme Baker compliant, you should probably contact us for help! The Consumer Product Safety Commission's staff (CPSC) has started making their rounds checking pools. Although, they will not say where the target areas are or where they have visited, we can tell you they have been in Northeast Ohio.

It seems the CPSC is targeting larger community pools. According to Pool and Spa News, "As of press time, the agency said it had checked approximately 900 pools and 300 spas in 700 locations. Approximately 80 percent were found to be compliant."

For those pools found to be non-compliant a letter was given. "The agency gave pool owners 10 working days to indicate in writing how the vessels would be fixed," this from Pool and Spa News. Fines can be anywhere from $100,000 to $15 million or even jail time.

The sticker shock may take your facility by surprise, but the price of main drain covers for larger facilities does run high. Beware of pool contractors that say they can make your facility compliant while asking for a larger than normal fee to do the job. High-Tech Pools, Inc. made The University of Akron, Kenyon College, Penn State campuses, water parks, hotels and residential pools compliant. We have experience, and we also have contacts to registered engineers.

Get compliant with High-Tech Pools, Inc.!

Source: Robledo, R. (October 7, 2009). CPSC’s Enforcement of VGB Signals Change in Approach. In Pool Spa News. Retrieved October 27, 2009. From

Playing Catch Up!

Two words: Closing Season! We apologize for the lack of posts for the month of September and most of October! Pool closing season gets busy! Please look for a few blogs today updating you on important happenings at High-Tech Pools, Inc.!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pool Exercise for You and Your Pooch

Nowadays, people take their dogs just about anywhere: car rides, plane rides, dog parks, you get the point. Now, add swimming pools to the list.

Swimming is a great way to exercise, not to mention, great for rehabilitation workouts and other medical conditions. According to a article by Dawn A. Marcus, M.D., new research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that 24 weeks of pool exercise has marked health benefits for women after menopause; women assigned to pool exercise experienced a 15 percent drop in body fat and an 8 percent drop in blood pressure.

The numbers may make you want to splash in the pool, but what about getting into that bathing suit? You are not the only one that may have a fear of putting it on. So you work up the courage to get in the swimsuit, but now you need a work out buddy. Who better to work out with than your pooch. They need exercise too!

With tough economic times, people may find it more difficult to pay for the sometimes very costly gym membership. Why not have a pool in your own backyard that you can use whenever and bring your best friend to? Obviously, gyms don't allow pets and public pools may only host a few days out of the swimming season to allow the dogs to take a dive. With a private swimming pool, you can enjoy exercising with your best friend, whenever! High-Tech Pools, Inc. can help from start to finish in planning for your pool. Please visit for pictures and inquiry information!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pool Safety Survey

Ever hear of the Swimming Pool Association of Ohio? No? That might be because there is no such thing as the Swimming Pool Association of Ohio. You will have better luck, though, finding the Swimming Pool Association of Hawaii or even Michigan.

The Swimming Pool Association of Hawaii (SPAH) is teaming up with The Hawaii State Department of Heath's (DOH) Injury Prevention Program to conduct surveys of private/residential pool owners to determine safety issues and concerns centered around home swimming pools and spas, according to

In previous blogs we have discussed the concern and need for pool and spa safety. It doesn't take much to do a quick search of pool news stories on Google to find at least 10 stories a day about children who have either injured themselves or drown in a pool or spa. The Hawaii DOH and SPAH are taking pool and spa safety a step further than the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act intended. The Act pertains to public pools needing to replace main drain covers and add secondary means to protect swimmers from becoming entrapped on the main drains. The Act only mentions private pools and spas becoming compliant if constructed after the deadline of December 18, 2008.

We did a quick search of Google "pool news." Out of the first 30 pool related stories, 10 involved someone injured in a private pool. The SPAH is taking this seriously, and is asking private pool owners to complete a survey. According to, the goal of the campaign will be to reduce the number of childhood injuries and deaths associated with residential pools. The DOH and SPAH partnership will survey approximately 1,380 swimming pool and spa owners and clients of SPAH. Survey results will help to guide local swimming pool safety education efforts.

So what do you think? Should Ohio develop a Swimming Pool Association of Ohio to work in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Health? Here at High-Tech Pools, Inc. we have been building safe pools and spas for over 20 years. We encourage our residential customers to become compliant with VGB Act even if their pool/spa was constructed before the deadline. Not only do we help with the VGB law, but we also promote safety items including auto covers, fencing, alarms, water safety equipment, signage, etc. Let us know if we can be of any assistance!

Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Important to be VGB Compliant in the States!

A fatal drowning in Thailand leaves a 14-year-old boy's family in ruins. The boy was at a water park with his family, when he was sucked into the swimming pool's pump system.

Nathan Clark Griffiths was playing in the pool with his brother Rhys, 15. The two had one pair of goggles. According to the article from the BBC News website, Rhys said Nathan went under the water, he could see his long black shorts and then next minute he was gone. He knew something was seriously wrong.

According to Nathan's mother, Marion Griffiths, "His [Nathan's] stepbrother Kevin translated but the lifeguard told him he was lying because he said the vent was locked and so impossible for Nathan to have got through it.

"It was only when they got Jimmy, my ex-husband, that the lifeguard took them seriously but by then Nathan had been under the water a long time."

Nathan was sucked into a pipe through the sump, which contained a large pipe, and was found in the pool's engine room 20 minutes later.

The vent Nathan's mother was referring is also called a grate or cover. This is the link to the video taken of the grate Nathan removed and the sump he was sucked into The video doesn't actually show Nathan in the pipe, but how dangerous it is to not have a secured grate.

This is just another reason why the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act has been made a law, this of course in the United States. An aspect of the law is to provide VGB compliant hardware, screws, with the grates. It is important for pool operators to make sure all grates are securely fastened at all times to prevent anyone from being sucked into the drain.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission states that nearly 300 children drown and another 3,000 are seriously injured each year in accidents occurring in swimming pools and spas.

It's not just commercial size pools people have to worry about. Any in-ground pool will have a drain or more depending on the size of the pool. It's important that any pool you swim in has the new VGB compliant grates on the drains. Some grates have a bright swimming man logo to make it more visible that it has been tested as a compliant VGB cover.

If you think the facility you are swimming at doesn't have the compliant covers, contact the pool operator and tell him/her to call High-Tech Pools, Inc. We can handle any size grate. If you have a private pool that was constructed before December 18, 2008 and would like to have the new anti-entrapment grates, we can help with that too. We are just a phone call away!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Plan a Staycation

Turn on the TV. Turn on the radio. Search the internet. You name it, news about the tough economic times is everywhere. If it hasn't affected you yet, consider yourself lucky! Many families are looking for inexpensive ways to enjoy the summer. What better way to enjoy the summer than at the pool!

You don't have to travel farther than your backyard to get away. Why not sit around your private pool in a beautifully landscaped backyard? Picture spending those cooler, summer evenings in a luxurious whirlpool. Spending a little extra money on fixing up the backyard has its benefits!

According to Kathy Huber of the Houston Chronicle, some great flowering plants to enhance your backyard are Plumbago, Plumeria, Princess Flower, Yellow Bells, 'Black Magic' Elephant Ear, Sun-tolerant Coleuses and Graceful Ornamental Grasses.

Huber also says Palms, Plumerias, Clumping Bamboos, Nandinas, Bananas, Brugmansias and Oleanders are tall tropical accents. Group them for more privacy. Tough Nandina is ideal for screening pool machinery; it tolerates hot air.

So you are wondering who is going to have time to plant these flowers and greenery while you are working hard at work? High-Tech Pools, Inc., that's who! Not only can we design and construct a gorgeous pool and whirlpool, but we can take care of making your backyard look like something from a magazine. We can construct stone or concrete pool decks and coping, fire pit/fire place and exterior kitchens and even furniture. We are just a phone call away!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Have Eyes In The Back of Your Head!

Think back to when you were about seven years old and were caught doing something you shouldn't have been doing. Ever wondered what your mom meant when she said "I have eyes in the back of my head?"

When owning a pool/spa or frequenting a public pool, it's important to keep "the eyes in the back of your head" saying in the back of your mind. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children under five and adolescents between the ages of 15-24 have the highest drowning rates.

Just yesterday, in Barstow, California, a 5-year-old boy was pulled from a hotel pool. His family rented rooms at the hotel to use the air conditioning and pool to keep cool during the heat wave that's hitting the West. The family and officers performed CPR on little Kalob Kilgore until paramedics arrived and rushed Kilgore to the hospital, who later died.

This is an unfortunate, eye-opening account of what can happen in just a short amount of time. Of all preschoolers who drown, 70 percent are in the care of one or both parents at the time of the drowning and 75 percent are missing from sight for five minutes or less, this according to the Orange County, California, Fire Authority.

Please keep in mind if your private pool/spa doesn't have the necessary safety features, such as fencing, High-Tech Pools, Inc. can help make your backyard oasis safe. We can help with renovations and enhancements to pools/spas/fountains, auto cover enhancement, adjustment and repair, as well as fencing around the pool, gates and alarms. Keep kids safe this summer with the help of High-Tech Pools, Inc!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Poor Pool Pollution Prevention

According to a recent report in the Pool and Spa News magazine, people are not showing an interest in their public pool cleanliness. A recent study by the Water Quality & Health Council showed almost half of all participants admitted to engaging in one or more unhealthy pool behaviors. One in five said they have urinated while in a public pool, and about one-third said they abstain a pre-swim shower.

Not only is this repugnant, it's a health concern for those swimming in the contaminated water. According to the article, research suggests that urine, as well as other body fluids like sweat, can cause respiratory problems, skin rashes and other physical ailments when mixed with the chlorine in the pool water to form disinfection byproducts.

Next time you see a mom or dad with their child that's in diapers, think twice about how protective those diapers are from the water illness cryptosporidium. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cryptosporidiosis is a diarrheal disease caused by microscopic parasites of the genus Cryptosporidium.

No matter if you have a public or private pool, these issues still come up. This survey was aimed at public pools. If you are visiting a public pool and think it may not be as clean as it should be, contact the pool manager immediately and tell him/her to call us! We can test and balance the water and add any chemicals to the pool to make sure it's clean. We are only a phone call away!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Get Compliant!

It's true, non-compliant drain covers can still be found in the bottom of swimming pools and spas around the country. Since the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act was signed into law on December 18, 2008, there have been four drain entrapment incidents. The Today Show recently reported on the high number of pools and spas across the country that haven't become compliant.

This is a serious issue. Public pools and spas must have compliant VGB 2008, ASME A112.19.8 approved covers. The report stated residential pools are exempt from this law. False. Exempt was the wrong word choice. Residential pools must have the compliant drain covers if in construction or built after the deadline. It's illegal for any distributor to distribute a drain cover without the proper compliant markings; this can be the swimmers logo, VGB 2008, ASME A112.19.8, etc.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has set heavy penalties as well as fines for any pool/spa found to be non-compliant. Fines range in excess of $1.8 million. The new CPSC Chairman, Inez Tenenbaum, stated that public pools and spas not in compliance with Sec. 1404 of the Act should not be open.

If you have a public pool/spa or a private pool/spa and need to be or want to have the safe drains installed, High-Tech Pools can help! We have worked on large facilities as well as residential pools. We can answer any questions you may have regarding what your pool/spa needs to become compliant. Get the facts and get compliant. Don't let it be too late.

This is a link to the full Today Show report:

Friday, May 8, 2009

Who We Are


High-Tech Pools, Inc. is a third generation, award winning company. The Hammerschmidt family along with their team of professionals and craftsmen have successfully constructed both residential and commercial pools since 1958 in Ohio and its surrounding states. Jeff Hammerschmidt, President, started High-Tech Pools in 1989 after his father retired. Frank Duale, Vice President, has over 35 years experience in the industry as well. High-Tech Pools operates on a year round schedule ensuring its clients receive the highest satisfaction in customer service.


We’ll congenially work with your designer/architect, or our design team can custom draw your vision into its reality. Perhaps yours will become one of our internationally award winning projects as we have received recognition for our pools, whirlpools, and water features. We employ only the most skilled technicians and use only the highest quality products on your project. We offer the latest technological advances and advice for all pool situations. All work is done in-house or managed directly by High-Tech Pools to maintain our impeccable reputation.














High-Tech Pools is a member of the Master Pools Guild, an international & prestigious organization of pool builders that receives annual professional development and to maintain the most current knowledge in workmanship and the highest ethics in the industry.

As a member of the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP), High-Tech Pools has demonstrated the ability to meet the requirements of a nationally recognized program and have established ourselves among the industry’s top pool and whirlpool build professionals.

Since 2005, High-Tech Pools has been a proud member of the Greater Cleveland Safety Council and a participant in the OH BWC's Drug-Free Workplace Program.