Friday, August 28, 2009

Pool Exercise for You and Your Pooch

Nowadays, people take their dogs just about anywhere: car rides, plane rides, dog parks, you get the point. Now, add swimming pools to the list.

Swimming is a great way to exercise, not to mention, great for rehabilitation workouts and other medical conditions. According to a article by Dawn A. Marcus, M.D., new research published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that 24 weeks of pool exercise has marked health benefits for women after menopause; women assigned to pool exercise experienced a 15 percent drop in body fat and an 8 percent drop in blood pressure.

The numbers may make you want to splash in the pool, but what about getting into that bathing suit? You are not the only one that may have a fear of putting it on. So you work up the courage to get in the swimsuit, but now you need a work out buddy. Who better to work out with than your pooch. They need exercise too!

With tough economic times, people may find it more difficult to pay for the sometimes very costly gym membership. Why not have a pool in your own backyard that you can use whenever and bring your best friend to? Obviously, gyms don't allow pets and public pools may only host a few days out of the swimming season to allow the dogs to take a dive. With a private swimming pool, you can enjoy exercising with your best friend, whenever! High-Tech Pools, Inc. can help from start to finish in planning for your pool. Please visit for pictures and inquiry information!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pool Safety Survey

Ever hear of the Swimming Pool Association of Ohio? No? That might be because there is no such thing as the Swimming Pool Association of Ohio. You will have better luck, though, finding the Swimming Pool Association of Hawaii or even Michigan.

The Swimming Pool Association of Hawaii (SPAH) is teaming up with The Hawaii State Department of Heath's (DOH) Injury Prevention Program to conduct surveys of private/residential pool owners to determine safety issues and concerns centered around home swimming pools and spas, according to

In previous blogs we have discussed the concern and need for pool and spa safety. It doesn't take much to do a quick search of pool news stories on Google to find at least 10 stories a day about children who have either injured themselves or drown in a pool or spa. The Hawaii DOH and SPAH are taking pool and spa safety a step further than the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act intended. The Act pertains to public pools needing to replace main drain covers and add secondary means to protect swimmers from becoming entrapped on the main drains. The Act only mentions private pools and spas becoming compliant if constructed after the deadline of December 18, 2008.

We did a quick search of Google "pool news." Out of the first 30 pool related stories, 10 involved someone injured in a private pool. The SPAH is taking this seriously, and is asking private pool owners to complete a survey. According to, the goal of the campaign will be to reduce the number of childhood injuries and deaths associated with residential pools. The DOH and SPAH partnership will survey approximately 1,380 swimming pool and spa owners and clients of SPAH. Survey results will help to guide local swimming pool safety education efforts.

So what do you think? Should Ohio develop a Swimming Pool Association of Ohio to work in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Health? Here at High-Tech Pools, Inc. we have been building safe pools and spas for over 20 years. We encourage our residential customers to become compliant with VGB Act even if their pool/spa was constructed before the deadline. Not only do we help with the VGB law, but we also promote safety items including auto covers, fencing, alarms, water safety equipment, signage, etc. Let us know if we can be of any assistance!